Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Woodland Preschool - Educational App for Preschoolers on iOS and Android

Here's my latest app offering.  it's an educational app in which young children can learn basic counting, colours, numbers and shapes.  There's an achievements page to collect stars which are awarded according to performance.  I've released as a paid app with no in-app purchases or ads.  I will be adding more mini-games which will be delivered as free updates to app users.

As a father of a young child, I have a lot of apps like this.  It's aimed at kids under 5 and you can get it here:

Woodland Preschool

Woodland Preschool

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Dragon Wing - My new android game.

Here's a little re-skin of a game I made.  Pretty simple, avoid obstacles and score points.  The iOS universal version is in the queue at the moment with a gamecenter leaderboard.  I thought I'd try and get some run-off popularity from game of thrones by going with a dragon theme.  I decided on the 8bit style as that's what I like (child of the 80s).  It's free anyway so give it a try.  There's also no iaps just some interstatial ads for monetization:

Dragon App

Dragon Wing for Android

Sunday, 23 March 2014

Mobile game design with a bird that isn't a flappy clone!

Here's a commissioned app that I have completer recently.  It's a simple, retro game in which you fly upwards past a range of obstacles.  It's a cross platform app available as an iOS universal download and also android.  Monetized through iAP on iOS and revmob on android.  Soaring Bird iOS universal  Android